Monday, 28 April 2014

Building Maths Skills at Home

Here are some simple things that you can do at home to help your child with math.

Play board games as a family! Many of them encourage math development. Yahtzee (basic addition), Connect Four (problem solving), Card Games (basic addition and subtraction and ordering numbers), Candy Land (make your own game
cards and use math facts instead of colors), Monopoly (money), and Battleship (coordinate graphs) are just a few to mention.

•Talk about the calendar with your child. Look forward to and countdown to special events such as vacations, birthdays, and holidays. Count the weeks and days to an
event, and determine which day it will fall on.

•Help your child learn to count money by playing store with them. Use real coins and dollar bills.

•Use an empty egg carton as a counting tool to practice addition and subtraction skills up to 10. Simply place objects in the slots, and use the empty slots to count up to/from 10.

Be on the lookout for shapes. Discuss the shapes you see. For a challenge, ask your child how many sides the shape has. (Example: A triangle has three sides. Two
triangles would have six sides.).

•Help your child develop time skills by incorporating the clock into their schedule. At home, create a bedtime schedule (Example: Brush Teeth at 8:00; Bedtime story at 8:10; Bed at 8:30). Create a poster with the schedule, and hang it in your child’s bedroom. Begin with easy times (7:00), and gradually progress to more difficult times (7:30 and 7:45).

Involve your child in activities at home that use measurement such as picture framing and home improvement projects.

•Bake with your child. Have them read recipes and measure ingredients.

•Develop an understanding of fractions when eating or making a pizza by discussing how many slices there are, and what fraction of the pizza they are eating. 

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