7 February 2014
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students
Welcome to our new families and welcome back for those who were already part of the Papanui School community. My name is Debbie Robertson and I have come to Papanui from Avondale Primary. I have thoroughly enjoyed my start and love working with the great staff here. If you ever need to speak to me I endeavor to be available each morning before school or you can email me at: debbie.robertson@pps.school.nz
Room 8 had a great day on Wednesday getting to know each other and some of the class room rules and systems. This is always a time of information overload and will be an ongoing theme for the term. It always takes a little while to get programmes up and running and for me to get to know the children and their individual needs. As the term goes on I will develop reading and maths groups based around children's learning needs.
There will be home work each night to a maximum of 30 mins. This will include, basic facts, spelling and reading. This will most likely begin in week 3 or 4. Until then a little reading at home and refreshing of known basic facts each night is a great help to get kids back into learning mode.
To help out I have set up a reading website where each child has their own profile and they can read and listen to books and take short quizzes. These are leveled and may change as I get a better understanding of where each child is at.
Teacher username: debrobertsonnz
Then simply select your own name.
There is also a ‘place value’ based maths site where each child has their own profile.
Click on login.
Username is lowercase first initial and last name with no space e.g. ajones
Password is lowercase initials e.g. aj
We will write these details into their home work books also to have on hand. If you do not have internet access at home your children will also be using these sites at school so they will have opportunities to work on them here.
A reminder that we have a fruit and fitness break each day. The children need to have a piece of fruit or another healthy snack option for this time e.g. a small sandwich, carrot.
Once all the children's books have arrived feel free to take them home over night or for the weekend to cover them.
Debbie Robertson